Club Fundraising Information
Clubs and organizations wishing to hold a fundraiser on the Lyndon campus must be approved prior to the start of the fundraiser. The procedure for gaining fundraising approval and the necessary forms can be found below.
Fundraising Procedures:
Before moving forward with your event planning, you must obtain permission from the Office of Institutional Advancement. Please review Policy 451 and complete the Fundraiser Approval Form.
The Fundraiser Approval Form must be signed by your divisional dean or their designee. Bring the signed form to the Office of Institutional Advancement, located on the 3rd floor of Vail, for approval. If you are interested in soliciting individuals or businesses, for either cash or in-kind gifts, you need to provide a list of those who will be solicited before your activity will be approved. If a 3rd party fundraiser is going to be engaged to assist with the fundraising activity, a written agreement needs to be included with your Fundraiser Approval Form. You will receive a copy of the form for your records. When you have the necessary signatures, you can move forward with your event planning.
Current approved signers for the form are:
Athletics: Jamey Ventura or Chris Gilmore
Student Clubs: Jonathan Davis, Paul Levine, Mirena Medina
Academic Programs: Nolan Atkins, Thom Anderson, department chairs
Institutional Advancement: Jenny Harris or Sara Lussier
Some events will be randomly audited by the Business Office.
When the event is over:
Fill out the Deposit Form, obtain the signatures of your divisional dean or their designee, and deposit the money at the Business Office. Your deposit form will be signed at the time of deposit. You will receive a copy of the form for your records. Copies of the form and the receipt will be sent to the SGA Financial Controller (when applicable) and the Office of Institutional Advancement.
Provide the Office of Institutional Advancement with an updated list of who was solicited and their response to your request as instructed on the Fundraising Approval form, number 5. In addition, please provide language for the acknowledgement latter that will be sent to donors.
Reminder: All checks need to be made out to Northern Vermont University- Lyndon.